Inner Solace Therapy

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Online or In-Person Therapy: Which is right for you?

You’re searching for a therapist, but you’re not entirely sure what to look for. Some therapists only offer in-person, or some online. Which should you choose? Thankfully, research shows that online therapy is as effective as in-person therapy. So, it comes down to personal choice and which fits your needs and situation best. Let’s compare the two.

Online Therapy

Online therapy is easily accessible. You may live in a small town or can’t find a therapist near you. Additionally, if you have a busy schedule, online therapy can easily fit into your life as you can do it on your lunch break or immediately after work with no time spend on the road. It can also be beneficial for those with physical limitations or health struggles. You also may feel more comfortable in your home versus an office. The downsides of online therapy include technology struggles, the need to find a private and quiet space yourself, and difficulty treating crisis situations or more complex cases.

In-Person Therapy

In-person therapy can be beneficial if you don’t want to have to deal with technology. While some may feel more comfortable in their homes for therapy, others feel more comfortable opening up in a cozy office. With in-person therapy, a private and secure space is already provided; you don’t have to worry about family members barging into your session. While modalities such as EMDR and art therapy can be conducted online, some may prefer to be in-person with their therapist while doing such activities. You and your therapist will also be able to pick up on non-verbal cues such as body language.

What Should I Choose?

After looking at the benefits and downsides, what fits better into your life? For some, being constantly on and go means that online therapy is more sustainable. For others who are also busy, taking time to intentionally drive to an office and go to a therapy session may be more therapeutic. If you’re unsure which is right for you, contact us and we can talk you through your options. At Inner Solace Therapy, we offer both in-person and online services. The goal is to figure out what works for you and your situation.