Deep Breathing: Why it helps & How to Do it
How does deep breathing help?
This study shows how breath-control can promote relaxation, pleasant feelings, reduce arousal symptoms, anxiety, anger, and depression through encouraging autonomic changes
This study demonstrates how deep breathing can lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol, improve overall mood, and increase sustained attention span
This study explains how deep breathing helps your brain focus and improves attention span
“ When life is foggy, path is unclear and mind is dull, remember your breath. It has the power to give you peace. It has the power to resolve the unsolved equations of life”
Examples of Breathing Exercises
Box Breathing
Find a comfortable position
Try to exhale as much air out of your lungs as possible
Inhale through your nose to the count of 4
Hold your breath for the count of 4
Exhale to the count of 4
Repeated as needed
Diaphragmatic Breathing
Lay one hand onto your abdomen
Lay one hand on your chest
Inhale through your nose and feel your belly expand while your chest remains as still as possible
As you exhale, feel your stomach contract
Pursed Lip Breathing
Sit in a relaxed position
Take a breath in through your nose
Purse your lips as if whistling
Slowly breath out through the pursed lips
Let the air come out naturally
Try to extend the exhalation