Narrative Exposure Therapy
helping you process the past & stay in the present
Narrative Exposure Therapy combines elements of EMDR, CPT, and prolonged exposure among other methods. Through sharing your trauma narrative, you will be able to confront and address intrusive memories and symptoms of PTSD. Prior to sharing your narrative, you will self-regulation skills to help keep you grounded through the process.
Narrative Exposure
Therapy is useful for:
Traumatic Grief and Loss
Survivors of Violent Crimes
What is a NET session like?
NET usually takes place during one session, with the potential for a second session prior to help prepare for the process. NET utilizes several narrative procedures such as creating a timeline of the troubling event, drawing the story out, and creating a written narrative. If NET feels like the right approach for you, you and your therapist will increase your self-regulation skills prior to conducting NET. You may prefer this approach as it is a gentle, comprehensive, and rapid method for processing difficult or traumatic memories.